Some of our themed tours are shown in the table below. The popular places to visit in Orkney are listed vertically, whilst some of our themed tours are listed horizontally. Read off the columns in the table to see which sites could be included in each tour - each tour will still be individually designed for you. For example, our Viking tour could include a visit to the Ring of Brodgar, Maeshowe (to see the Norse graffitti), the Broch of Gurness (pagan / pre-Christian Norse graves), the settlement at the Brough of Birsay, the Bu at Orphir, St Magnus Cathedral, various sites in Kirkwall, and the Orkney Museum.
Please note that each tour will still be individually designed for you. It may not always be possible to see every site that is listed for one tour in a single day. In addition, the order will vary for those sites which are time-dependent, such as the Brough of Birsay and Maeshowe. All our tours are designed around YOUR unique requirements, these are just suggested examples of what is possible.