We individually and jointly understand and agree that the ritual being performed for us has no legal status and confers no future residency rights which may subsequently be expected by either of us, either in the UK or elsewhere.
We individually and jointly agree that if our ceremony has to be cancelled by either of us, for ANY reason, we understand that we will still need to pay all costs and expenses incurred by the celebrant(s). We individually and jointly agree that if our ceremony has to be postponed or altered by us for ANY reason, we understand that we will need to pay any additional expenses that the celebrant(s) may incur. We agree that, unless there are special circumstances or it is to correct error(s) made by the celebrant(s), we will not request edits or changes to the wording of our ceremony within 7 days of the date the ceremony will take place. We understand and accept that, if we request the celebrant(s) to redraft more than 5 times, each subsequent redraft will incur an administrative fee of £50, unless there are special circumstances or it is to correct error(s) made by the celebrant(s).
We individually and jointly agree that if there is any problem in the run up to our ceremony that we will contact the celebrant(s) to discuss the matter as soon as possible. We individually and jointly agree that in order to ensure we have the ceremony we intend, that we will communicate fully, honestly and in a timely manner with our celebrant(s), and at their request. We will keep in contact with our celebrant(s) in the time before our ceremony and will provide them with a means to contact us.
In return we expect that the celebrant(s) will honour their agreement with us to conduct our ceremony on the date and time agreed, at the place agreed, and in the manner agreed, and to contact us in the event of there being any problem regarding any aspect of our ceremony. We understand that the celebrant(s) will do everything they can to honour their agreement with us, but that under some circumstances the celebrant(s) may have to cancel or postpone this contract without notice or compensation. Such circumstances would include fire, flood, drought, weather conditions, war (whether declared or not), acts of terrorism, civil disturbance, industrial disputes, act of God, personal injury or illness, any restrictions or recommendations put in place by state or local authorities to stop the spread of contagious diseases or pandemics, being called for jury service or as a witness in a trial, any disruption to the ferry or airplane service, or any other cause beyond the celebrant(s)’ control making it impossible for the celebrant(s) to fulfill this contract safely. In all circumstances we individually and jointly agree that the celebrant(s)’ maximum liability is limited to the return of any and all monies paid by us to them. In addition, we will not hold the celebrant(s) liable for any consequential loss or damage whatsoever, however caused, including any fluctuations in the £GB value.
We individually and jointly understand that the hire and gaining permissions to use the venue(s) are our sole responsibility. We individually and jointly understand and agree that we are responsible for our own and our guests’ behaviour at the venue(s) and that we will fully indemnify the celebrant(s) against any claims made by the landowner or any other party, for damage to the venue(s) or other parties, howsoever caused. We note that it is not normally permissible to throw confetti, rice, petals, etc. at venue(s) and we will instruct our guests accordingly. If we, or any person in our party, causes a nuisance, conducts themselves in an offensive or disorderly manner, or threatens, in any way, their safety or the safety of others, we understand that the celebrant(s) reserve the right to refuse service. In these circumstances, the celebrant(s) will not be responsible for any injury or damage caused as a result of our, or any person in our party’s, behaviour. In the event that the celebrant(s) refuse the right of service, all monies paid by us to the celebrant(s) will be forfeit.
We individually and jointly understand and agree that although our celebrant(s) may recommend other services to us, if we use those services then our contract is with those other service providers for the provision of those services. We individually and jointly agree that if we hire professionals to record the ceremony in any way, or if any of our guests record the ceremony in any way, that we will instruct them to behave unobtrusively during the ritual and to liaise with the celebrant(s) to ensure that the ritual is not disrupted in any way.
We individually and jointly agree that we have read, understood and agree to this contract and also with the more general contract given on this
For the avoidance of doubt:
- 'us', 'our' and 'we' refers to the customer(s), service user(s), user(s) or viewer(s) of our website or any service we offer, as signed and named above
- 'celebrant(s)' refers to: Helen and Mark Woodsford-Dean, both jointly and individually